These plants are ideal for home cultivation to flower for Christmas Day. Our hybrids are unique in strength and performance normally producing two stems carrying at least four very large flowers. Bulbs will be despatched during late October early November and should be planted upon arrival.

Culture : To flower for Christmas Amaryllis require a minimum temperature of 65 degrees. Roots and the lower part of the bulbs should be soaked in tepid water for 24 hours prior to planting. The bulbs should be potted in a compost of good loam and leaf mould, adding sufficient coarse silver sand to keep the whole porous. Put sufficient soil in a pot to form a cone, place the bulb on top spreading the roots well out and fill with soil leaving about half the bulb exposed. To initiate growth bottom heat is important and a place such as a mantelpiece above a radiator is ideal. Move to a sunny window sill when the buds have formed. Water with tepid water on top of the soil only.
