Reijman’s Firecracker

Order Quantity

Quantity Price
1 - 2 £3.80
3 - 9 £5.50
10+ £4.70
3 tubers
Quantity Price
1 - 2 £3.80
3 - 9 £5.50
10+ £4.70
10 tubers
Quantity Price
1 - 2 £3.80
3 - 9 £5.50
10+ £4.70


When you buy 10 or more


The Dahlia Rejmans Firecracker is a unique fimbriata variety with orange, yellow, and red spikey petals that create a firework-like shape. It grows to a height of around 110cm and should be placed in the middle or back of a bed or border, staked to prevent heavy blooms from being blown over. It blooms throughout the summer and into autumn, and deadheading regularly will encourage more flowers. These flowers are perfect for cutting and look stunning in mixed borders or patio pots. To thrive, it should be grown in fertile, well-drained soil that has been enriched with organic matter and general purpose fertilizer, and placed in full sun. Pinching out the growing tips will encourage bushy plants, and staking may also be necessary. Water freely during dry periods and lift and store the tubers in the autumn to replant or use as cuttings in the spring.


Classification:Fimbriata flowered
Flowering Time:July-October
Planting Depth:10cm
Space Between Bulbs:10cm
Colour:Orange, Red

Notable Traits

Good For Cutting

Partial Shade

Sunny Position

Bloms Planting Calendar