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The Dahlia Viking is a stunning flower that is known for its deep wine red, pom pom shaped blooms. These spherical flower heads are supported by a very sturdy stem, making them a reliable and long-lasting choice for cut flowers. The Viking Dahlia is a reliable bloomer, producing an abundance of flowers throughout the summer season. Its deep wine red color and spherical shape make it a popular choice for adding a touch of drama and sophistication to any garden or floral arrangement. Whether planted in a garden bed or displayed in a vase, the Dahlia Viking is sure to bring joy and delight to all who have the pleasure of admiring it. Its deep wine red color and unique pom pom shape make it a true standout among flowers.


Classification:Pom-pom flowered
Flowering Time:July-October
Planting Depth:10cm
Space Between Bulbs:10cm

Notable Traits

Good For Cutting

Partial Shade

Sunny Position

Bloms Planting Calendar